Friday, September 17, 2010

What is the difference betweeen Intel Centrino vs. Inter Core Duo?

What is the difference betweeen Intel Centrino Duo vs. Inter Core Duo


Centrino IS NOT A PROCESSOR (despite misinformed individuals on here stating otherwise), it's a platform. For a current system to be labeled Centrino it must have specific Intel chipsets (855/915/945), coupled near specific Intel processors (Pentium M, Core Solo/Core 2 Duo) and Intel's 3945 Pro Wireless chipset.

So, to answer your question, a Centrino notebook is one that can own an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, but also has to hold a certain chipset and the Intel Pro Wireless chip to be call Centrino.
centrion is in laptops and core duo is contained by pc
Centrino be the name intel conjured up that met specific hardware requirements such as wireless built within, a chip for mobile notebooks near energy usefulness... Intel Core Duo or Core 2 Duo is the new chip that offer the ability to multitask workstation processes, thermal & energy helpfulness and has two cores merged into one. Previous chips be single, hence Toshiba calls them Core solo.

So the difference is centrino define the laptops that meet intel's classification whilst Core Duo is the Intel's bright line of chips manufactured. You should do a google turn upside down on the net as here is plenty of information there.

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