Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What is the little piece Sony invented for a laptop that let you own internet everywhere?

I be reading in some computer magazine that Sony have a little stick you can plug into your USB port that let you have internet everywhere you go. What is that and how does it work?


It's a USB 2.0 Wireless ethernet adapter. Sony didn't invent it, and they aren't the leaders surrounded by its technology by any means. Linksys provides totally affordable and high characteristic wireless ethernet adapters. These adapters allow you to connect to a wireless network. This does not suggest everywhere. This means that you'll be stealing internet from anything wireless connection you can attach to on the dance, unless you're in a place similar to starbucks or McDonalds that have wifi (wireless internet) within their stores. This is not new technology any. It's basically a radio signal, but transmits contained by digital instead of analog.
verizon has one of those... i deem

and i guess it works just close to a cellphone

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